How to Prepare for a Job Interview: Level 1

Tips to help make your job interview successful.

You need to prepare for a job interview; in fact, this may be your first job interview. Although the tips I’m sharing in this article are meant for someone relatively new to the job search and interview process, the tips can help anyone prepare, feel confident and make the best impression possible. 

You Have Something Valuable to Offer

If you are just entering the workforce, it’s understandable you have limited formal work experience. That’s OK and to be expected. Don’t worry, you still have important abilities and experience to offer and talk about during your interview. 

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Other than actual work experience, lets explore examples of things you can share to demonstrate what kind of person you are and your interests.

  1. Remember the paper route you had or how you spent a summer cutting lawns or babysitting?

  2. Did you volunteer at a school event or track meet or organize a food drive with friends over the holidays?

  3. Were you a lifeguard?

  4. Have you been part of a sports team or club that had to work together?

  5. Did you try out to be in a play at school or at summer camp?

Don't underestimate your work experience, including your volunteer activities. There is a long list of things you may have done or helped someone else with. What did any of those activities teach you about you? What did it teach you about your strengths or even about what you don’t like doing (just as important)? What did you learn about working with others? Write down what positive and not so positive experiences you had, and then, think about what you might want to share with a potential future employer to show them how amazing you are. 

Additional Things to Prepare

To show your interview panel you have something valuable to offer, do a bit of work in advance. Things you should prepare and be ready to talk about are:

  1. What are your values? What makes you – you?

    1. Go through a Values Exercise and see what 4 or 5 values feel like you. Why do these values represent you?

  2. What are your interests? What excites you?

    1. What is your Vision Statement? Where do you see yourself in 6-months and 2-years?

    2. What is your Mission Statement? What do you want to do now to get you to where you want to be as you described in your Vision Statement?

  3. Why you want to work for / with this company / department / person?

  4. Are you responsible / dependable? If you are, prepare 2 examples that prove it. Write them down.

  5. Are you a hard worker? If you are, prepare 2 examples that prove it. Write them down.

  6. Are you trustworthy? If you are, prepare 2 examples that prove it. Write them down.

  7. Is there something else you want to share with them about you? If you are, prepare 2 examples that prove it. Write them down.

Research The Company and The Job In Advance

This is an important step to determine if you really want to work at this company and therefore invest more time in the process.

If you do decide the company and the work is interesting, then this research will help you prepare your cover letter / executive summary as well as prepare for the interview.

Research also has another benefit. You may be a little nervous before, during and even after the job interview; that’s natural. Knowing the details of the prospective company, especially as it pertains to the job you’re interviewing for, is a great way to prepare and calm those nerves.

Here is a list of things to consider learning about the company and the work:

  1. How long have they been in business?

  2. Are you familiar with their website?

  3. Key business (es)

  4. Key markets

  5. Key products / brands

  6. Key growth areas

  7. Number of employees

  8. Number of offices / locations

  9. Core Values (if they have posted them – if not read their about us)

  10. Company Vision Statement / Mission Statement

  11. Do they have a tagline? What do they mean by it?

  12. Does it host events?

  13. Community Service / Corporate Citizen?

  14. Who are their competitors?

Here is a list of things to consider learning about the job / position:

  1. What interests you most about the position / job?

  2. What skills do you have that meet the requirements?

  3. What skills will you need to learn to meet the requirements?

  4. How is this job similar and different at other companies? Note: At this point this information is important for your overall knowledge but not usually something you would mention in your cover letter or during the interview.

  5. What are key words and acronyms for the position and the company? You will want to use these in your resume and during your job interview.

Ask your network what they know about the organization and if they know any current or past employees you can talk to before your interview. If you are able to speak to someone who does or has worked there, ask them what it’s like to work at the company.

Thank you for reading about how to prepare for a job interview, level 1. I will enjoy your comments / suggestions of this article.


Read How to Prepare for a Job Interview Level 2

Read How to Prepare for a Job Interview Level 3

About Bruce and Bruce Mayhew Consulting.

Bruce is Corporate Trainer, Keynote Speaker and Executive Coach.

Bruce Mayhew Consulting specializes in customized Email Etiquette Training, Leadership & New Leadership Development, Generational Differences, Time Management Training and other soft skills training solutions in Toronto and across Canada. Bruce is also an Executive Coach to a few select clients.

Bruce is an experienced motivational speaker in Toronto and has inspired audiences across Canada and within the USA and the UK. Bruce works hard to always make sure your training event, conference, retreat, or annual general meeting is a success.