Working From Home Team Building Questions

Working from home or working remotely is suddenly something we are all doing. Unfortunately, working remotely can also make people feel disconnected and not important to a project which will in-turn hurt productively, employee engagement and employee loyalty.

A brilliant way to keep and build trust within your team while also helping them feel important, connected and engaged is to schedule regular team conference calls as well as one-on-one calls. But, remote calls – even if you include video can begin to feel dry, rehearsed and prescriptive… in short… un-motivating. The solution to keeping these calls interesting is to incorporate virtual team building into some (not necessarily all – especially if you have meetings every morning) of your calls.

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I have a list of 100 virtual team building ideas so you’ve come to the right place if you are looking for ideas. Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss / brainstorm these in person. For now I’m going to offer you 25 'working from home team building questions that are safe (and not too personal) that you can use at the beginning of team conference calls.

I hope these 25 team building questions help you build connection and trust within your team… and most of all I hope they help your team communicate more effectively so that each person is a productive, creative and happy individual. 

  1. Who has a Pet… or if you’ve had a pet what was it / which one was your favourite?

  2. Who was born outside of Canada (or wherever you are located)? Where were you born?

  3. Who has lived in more than one province in Canada (or wherever you are located)?

  4. If you could live anywhere on this planet where would you live?

  5. Who doesn’t drive?

  6. Who likes Brussel Sprouts?

  7. What is your favourite / least favourite thing to do? Laundry, Grocery shopping, Cooking?

  8. Who is an early riser?

  9. Who knows how to swim?

  10. Do you speak more than 2 languages (doesn’t have to be 100% fluent)? Which ones?

  11. If you could go back to school for 1 whole year and study anything, what would you study?

  12. Are you a ‘sweet’ person or a ‘salty / savoury’ person?

  13. What is your favourite concert or play you’ve ever seen?

  14. What is your favourite book you’ve read? (or Who has read Catcher in the Rye or at least one Harry Potter book?)

  15. Have you ever binge watched anything – and if you have, what was it and why?

  16. What have you ever made that was artistic (paint, sew, draw, play music etc.)?

  17. Who plays or has played a musical instrument? What do / did you play?

  18. Who would consider themselves a ‘Treky’ (Star Trek)? If yes, which series was the best and why?

  19. If you could choose one age and stay that age forever, how old would you choose and why?

  20. If you could have one superpower, which one would you choose and why? (I would be Batman because he has great toys… and his name is Bruce)

  21. Which season is your favourite? Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer and why?

  22. Would you prefer to go to the mountains or the beach?

  23. What is the coolest vacation you have ever taken?

  24. What is your favourite food?

  25. If you could meet and have dinner with anyone would it be?

All remote teams face the challenge of positive, trusting team engagement. It’s easy to lose the laughter and comic relief… the familiar and trusting connection employees build when they see each other in person and have casual talks in the morning or when going for a coffee together. The more your team know of each other the more likely you will have a proud, creative, energized, productive team that will have each others back.

I hope this article has been helpful. There are more Leadership Skills, Email Etiquette, Time Management and Meeting Management articles and workshops train on, but these are some of the most important. If you want more information on those I’m happy to help – let me know.

Thanks for reading Working From Home Team Building Questions.

If i can help you in any way, please let me know. Click HERE to link to my professional development website.


#WorkFromHomeTip #WorkRemotely #HR #stayhomechallenge #Work

About Bruce and Bruce Mayhew Consulting.

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Bruce is Corporate Trainer and Executive Coach.

As a Corporate Trainer Bruce Mayhew (of BMC) specialize in customized Time Management Training, Email Etiquette Training, Leadership & New Leadership Development, Generational Differences and other soft skills training solutions in Toronto and across Canada. Bruce is also an Executive Coach to a few select clients.

BMC helps your greatest assets think productive and be productive.

Bruce is an experienced motivational speaker in Toronto and has inspired audiences across Canada and within the USA and the UK. Bruce works hard to always make sure your training event, conference, retreat, or annual general meeting is a success.

Call me at 1 416 617 0462

Email me at