Great Time Management Goes Further Than Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; It Includes Great Email Etiquette

I’m a big fan of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. As a leader of a team I especially relate to #3 ‘Put First Things First,’ and as a corporate trainer and habitual lifelong learner, I strongly relate to #7: ‘Sharpen the Saw’.

As much as I am a fan of Stephen’s work, I also know that Stephens 7 habits are only part of the answer when an individual or team tries to establish great time management habits. What I mean is that great time management has a lot to do with how an individual does their work as much as when they do their work. And for those familiar with Stephen Covey’s #5 habit of ‘Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood’, what i’m talking about goes even further. Let me explain.

More Than When… Focus On How

After I built and began facilitating my Effective Email Etiquette Training Workshop, I spent a year researching and building my Time Management Training Workshop. During the second development period (and reinforced every day since), it became clear to me that great email etiquette is also great time management – and not only for the writer; great email etiquette is also great time management for everyone who receives email.

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For example, if I consistently do three simple things when I write an email message, I can almost guarantee my reader will:

  1. Want to read my email – and therefore prioritize my work

  2. Quickly and clearly understand what i’m saying or asking for

  3. Answer all of my questions and/or do what I ask

Think how much time you would save if every one of your email were prioritized by the recipient, read, understood fully and then acted on quickly? And, how much time would you… and your readers save if you didn’t have to follow up two, three or four times to get the answer to the questions you asked in your email?

This Ability Is In Your Control

I often hear people who take time management training say, “I’d like to spend an hour in the morning concentrating on my strategic, important work but the office culture doesn’t support this.” I understand when they say that. For some aspects of time management to be effective, the team or corporate culture has to change. The beauty of writing better email is that you don’t need your corporate culture or your department culture to change - you are in control. The three email tips I share below allow you to immediately improve your writing which allows you to immediately save time, be more productive and experience less stress. Yes, using good email etiquette is in your control.

Three Email Etiquette Best Practices I Recommend

To have a great personal impact, I recommend improving your time management by practicing the following three email etiquette best practices:

  1. Bottom line your messages. Say hello and then get to the point. If you want to be pleasant and say what a nice day it is… do it at the end of your email.

  2. Use indented bullet points to bring attention to critical data. If you have two questions, say, Hi Bruce, I have two questions:

    • Question 1

    • Question 2

  3. Write helpful Subject Lines. One or two-word subject lines like ‘Meeting’ or ‘Meeting Update’ are not great. Use 5 to 7 words. Instead, ‘July 2020 Sales Meeting Agenda Update’ lets the reader know exactly what the message is about and makes the email easily searchable 1 week or 1 year later.

None of these three Email Etiquette best practices will take you extra time to write email, but they will save you amazing amounts of time by helping you get what you need when you need it with little-to-no follow-up.

Give these three email etiquette techniques a try. They are just a few of the over dozen email writing techniques you and your team can learn that will make you more efficient, more productive and less stressed.

About Bruce and Bruce Mayhew Consulting.

Corporate trainer Bruce Mayhew (of BMC) specialize in customized Time Management Training, Email Etiquette Training, Leadership Skills, Communication and other soft skills training solutions in Toronto and across Canada. Bruce is also an Executive Coach to a few select clients.

BMC helps your greatest assets think productive and be productive.

Bruce is an experienced motivational speaker in Toronto and has inspired audiences across Canada and within the USA and the UK. Bruce works hard to always make sure your training event, conference, retreat, or annual general meeting is a success. 

Time Management Training Benefits For Individuals And Organizations

Time management is all about how an individual, a team and/or an organizations (through the corporate culture) spends their time on their priorities. But, effective time management is difficult. The world around us - be it at home or at work is always trying to distract us from our most important priorities.

Distractions are in part what Stephen R Covey, the Godfather of Time Managment called “Busy Work”.

As an individual, you have some control over how you manage your time. Even if your corporate culture doesn’t support efficient use of time, look for ways for you to be in control and to do your best work. For example, protect one solid, uninterrupted hour every morning to work quietly on your most strategic, most creative priority. Make this happen before your day becomes chaotic. In many cases if you get into a habit of one-quiet hour, your team will learn to (mostly) leave you alone. Even better, they will begin helping you protect that hour… and… you wil be setting an example for them to follow.

As a leader in an organization, you have a tremendous opportunity to influence many people and to do great things for the people you support and your company, not to mention your own professional reputation and your career. Imagine the success that will surround you when your team are all working in sync and with shared respect for each other and their work. As I suggested in an earlier post, one of the greatest things you can do to demonstrate your leadership ability is to help your team understand their individual and shared priorities.

So, for you the individual and/or you the leader, I offer you the following list as a sample of the many benefits you and your organization can experience when you learn and embrace effective time management techniques.

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Time Management Training Benefits to the Individual

  1. Improved reputation and relationships both on and off the job

  2. Reduced stress and more enjoyment of everyday life

  3. More autonomy over an when and where you do your work

  4. Enjoy more work-life balance

  5. Improves morale and confidence

  6. Fewer missed opportunities

  7. Improved decision-making abilities

  8. Increased recognition and reward from higher personal productivity levels

  9. More success in your career and advancement opportunities 

Time Management Training Benefits to the Organization

  1. Better planning and forecasting

  2. Benefits from increased individual creativity, productivity, accountability and loyalty

  3. Much more effective teamwork

  4. More streamlined project completion

  5. More effective communication throughout the organization

  6. Reduced stress for individuals, teams and throughout the organization

  7. Reduced need to redo work previously or partially completed

  8. Less interpersonal and inter-team friction

Time Management Training Benefits to the Individual And the Organization

  1. Both can accomplish more with less effort

  2. Fewer missed opportunities

  3. Improved decision-making abilities

  4. Learning opportunities… everywhere

  5. Be less overwhelmed

  6. Be less rushed

  7. Fewer mistakes and negative impact from your competition 

  8. Individuals, teams and the organization can stand out

  9. And finally… one thing that everyone would be very happy to have… more effective meetings


Time management is the key to success. It allows you to take control of your life rather than follow the flow of others as you accomplish more each day, make better decisions, have a greater impact and feel more in control. But it is more than that – it allows both individuals and organizations explore how they can do their best work and expand their abilities so that they are competitive in the future.

Good time management habits help you get noticed and this will help put you in line for advancement opportunities. Too often ‘busy people’ are just busy treading water trying to stay afloat and not actually making any significant progress. Then, the next thing they know technology and competitive advances leave them behind. Don’t let that happen to you! Instead, choose to achieve more and experience greater satisfaction in all areas of your life.

About Bruce and Bruce Mayhew Consulting.

Toronto corporate trainer Bruce Mayhew Consulting (BMC) creates customized professional development courses at our Canadian management central office in Toronto. We specialize in Leadership, Communication and other soft skills training solutions.

BMC helps your greatest assets think productive and be productive.

Bruce is an experienced motivational speaker in Toronto and has inspired audiences across Canada and within the USA and the UK. Bruce works hard to always make sure your training event, conference, retreat, or annual general meeting is a success.

Learn more about how you and your organization can benefit from our communication skills courses email us by clicking here or one call does it all at 416.617.0462.

Bruce Mayhew Consulting's most popular programs are Email Writing Training, Leadership & New Leadership Development, Difficult Conversations, Generational Differences / Millennials At Work, Time Management Training and more.